Gluten-Free Graphic Design

nerdy things, gluten-free recommendations and my life as a graphic designer.

Archive for October 14, 2011

The 99%

Dear 99%:

Why are you complaining? You live in AMERICA, the land of the free. There are so many people less fortunate than you. We have such a huge problem with illegal immigration because other people are willing to risk everything to come here. I was able to grow up comfortably because my parents worked hard to get where they are now. They grew up poor. My grandparents struggled to pay my mother’s medical bills that kept her alive. My father paid for all of his college education by working and going to school full-time. My parents could have paid for all of my college education, but instead they didn’t and taught me how to value money and to work hard. I worked summers to pay for a chunk of my tuition, my parents paid for part, and the rest I paid for with loans.

Life is not all rainbows and sunshine after college. I have over $30,000 in loans to payback, and I am currently working as a graphic design intern for $7.50 because that is the only job I could find right away. That’s less than I made before college. I could have easily stayed at home where rent is free, and bummed off them. But, I respect them too much to do that. I am really happy I moved to New York City because it has been a great experience so far, both good and bad. I am always working really hard to improve my skills and portfolio, and to grow in my career. I am currently living paycheck to paycheck and looking for a better paying job. I do have my complaints, but I keep them to myself and my family. This struggle will just make me appreciate what I earn and accomplish in the future.

All those Obama Zombies are upset that Obama didn’t hand them cash as soon as he was elected. Obama didn’t bring you the “change” you expected. Instead of whining, why don’t you beĀ gratefulĀ that you live in the United States, where we have the basic rights and freedoms that we fought for.


A 100% American

I found this page today, I thought it was an interesting response to the Occupy Wall Street protests.